Painting Of A Tree
09 Sep 21 by justatest
Out front stood a dead sycamore tree which, as a storm was brewing, I decided to cut down to prevent being blown onto the road.
After cutting away the upper branches and about to fell the trunk, the tree whispered to me ¨Stop, that´s enough now¨ and added that it would reveal a secret if I allowed it guide me thereafter.

Tree and place of pilgrimage

It´s located next to a place of pilgrimage now occupied by the Middle-Eastern Christian religion, but which nevertheless in ancient times was overseen by Celtic Druidesses or Women Priests of native spiritual tradition.


Birth of the helix

Rather than chopping the tree for firewood, I followed the suggested forms using a chainsaw to incise a helix the length of the trunk; the base of which revealed the spiral´s source as a delicate vulva-like opening.


Early growth

It seemed that the helix was a form distinct from the tree, somewhat like a spiraling sexual energy or a new life form (perhaps a newborn) in itself which, at first slowly and meanderingly, progresses it´s upward rise.



If the twist of the climbing spiral represents her offspring, then mid-way along the trunk emerged the shape of a breast denoting the nourishment and succour provided by the mother to her young.


Heart of the tree

The tree´s heart here would also then reflect that mother´s love.

Towards Independence

Towards Independence
Change of direction

Bypassing breast and heart, the direction of the helix changes from clockwise to anti-clockwise, as if to indicate a newly-acquired sense of self and a growing independence from maternal protection.

New Generation

New Generation
Reaching out

Once the upward spiral attains maximum growth, it divides and separates like offspring into individual and unique characters who, emboldened with their mother's care spontaneously spring bravely free, up and out into the world.

Secret Revealed

Secret Revealed
Painting Of A Tree (view from road)

In conclusion, the secret of the tree as willed by the ancient Druidess turns out to be a simple allegorical celebration of bringing the next generation into the world, along with all the hopes and dreams which that inspires.